What We Do

We consider crew management as a very critical step towards the overall success of ship management operations. We have a very strong database of fully qualified and trained crews to man all types of vessels under our management. Our crew management processes are well structured and well developed to cover all required functions. These are strictly monitored by well qualified and trained staff at our crewing offices.

Technical Management

Vagmine Ship Management is fully geared to effectively handle all aspects of complete technical ship operations. All processes and procedures are well designed to ensure that all aspects are closely monitored and acted upon. This is done by our team of experienced Chief Engineers and Masters. In addition continuous ship visits by technical and quality superintendents are also planned to have a hands on experience of ship conditions. Procedures ensure the following

Docking, New Building And Conversions

Apart from docking of own managed vessels, VSM also takes up ship dockings as an independent project.

Work lists are made, keeping in mind that docking is expensive business thus requiring careful identification of jobs that need vessel to be out of water. Other important work is planned considering a total repair period. Again bearing in mind that ship out of operation is still a revenue loss for owners.

Budgets and time frames are prepared and presented for owners approval.

VSM will ensure that the budgets and time frames are strictly adhered to.

Similarly VSM has in house capability of taking up projects of new building and conversions.

Vessel Pre Purchase

Vagmine ship management has the capability of discussing with owners and advising them on subject of acquiring new tonnage for their business needs.

Good association with ship brokers worldwide allow us to source accurate type / size of vessel best suited for owners business.

VSM will do a complete pre purchase inspection inclusive of document verification and ship condition.

A costing report is also prepared which tells owners costs to be incurred now as well as in the future. This gives owners a very good idea of his operational costs, once the vessel is procured as well as give a bargaining handle for price negotiations. VSM also assists in price negotiations in owners best interests


Vagmine Ship Management has formed alliances with maritime training institutes, so that our crew remains trained and updated at all times. Apart from the mandatory STCW requirements, we also lay a large emphasis on value adding training courses. These include


VSM has in house capability for doing all commercial operations on owners behalf, including arranging STS operations. We are closely associated with various chartering companies and STS operators, as well as traders and will assist owners in getting the best deals for owners vessels